SMADE alerts and analytics,
your keys to impactful actions
Seeing is essential, collaborating makes you agile, acting creates immediate value.
Get alerts to pick up assets
Spot stagnant, unproductive, lost-in-transit assets, and act fast upon these.
These small daily actions will result in increased fleet performance mid-term.
Check upon suboptimal trajectory patterns
Prevent bad behaviours by spotting unnecessary hospital visits, unplanned in-field transfers, and fugitive consigned assets.
Unlocking higher utilization potential
Identify actionable room for improvement with your Success Manager and set yourselves achievable and measurable targets.
Thanks to email alerts
about the behavior and activity of your loaned and/or consigned assets, take quick, immediate, and targeted action. An asset lost in transit, late for check-in or return? Don’t wait for your carrier to inform you, maybe, contact them! An asset dormant for too long or not very active? Wake up your team! No more hours spent investigating and identifying the source of your problems.
Need to know
your asset tracking jargon?
Stagnant? Dormant? Lost-in-transit? Fugitive? Silent? Non operational day?
Mastering the jargon of alerts and analytics is key to understanding your fleet’s behavior and engaging in the right actions, at the right time,
with the right person to achieve peak performance. Our glossary will turn you into an expert in the language of asset tracking!
(Psst… it’s 100% free – no contact info required!)
Analytics reports
At SMADE, we also know that longer-term analyses lead to highly strategic actions. The Monthly Reports on the performance of your fleet allow you to draw informed and strategic conclusions by highlighting the level of use of your assets: usefulness of visits to hospitals, time of stagnation and dormancy, number and duration of loan cycles, losses in transit, non operational days, and more… all on a monthly scale and according to YOUR OWN alert thresholds. The actions you take by targeting the right areas guarantee more performance.
S-HUB gives you the full picture of your fleet right when you land!
Get real-time fleet insights with our platform’s comprehensive asset list and tracker configuration details. S-HUB streamlines fleet management tasks for smooth tracking.
Maximizing impact through customized projects
By crafting and customizing your fleet scenarios to segment your fleet analysis from different angles (product range, trajectory, fleet segment, specific facilities…), you amplify your visibility, enhance your analytical potential, and multiply the impact of your actions.
Equip your team with the best tools
for peak fleet performance
How SMADE works
SMADE collects, analyzes and delivers
the instrumental data you need
to improve your performance.
Step 1
SMADE trackers
Collect field data by embedding trackers in your autoclavable and non autoclavable assets.
Step 2
Watch real-time data and asset location.
Navigate your fleet.
Collaborate with your team.
Step 3
Take data-driven immediate actions and informed decisions to enchance your fleet performance.
We turn our customer stories into success
Start your tracking experience
Navigate your fleet monitor asset location
and activity.
The WATCH plan’s power enriched with
insightful analytics and daily push alerts.
Get the most our of SMADE by combining the
power of ACT and WATCH plans, enchanced
with additional analytics and monthly reports.