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Celebrating innovation: Insights from AAOS 2024

Back to solution updatesCelebrating innovation: Insights from AAOS 2024The buzz of innovation at AAOS 2024 left the SMADE team excited. Guided by the energetic trio of Isa, Elisa, and Claire from our business squad, our stroll through the busy aisles and lively conversations brought us some…

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What are the benefits of working remotely?

A journey started before covid Remote work is not only a new way of working, but also a challenge that has been accelerated to an unprecedented speed…

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How can collective intelligence foster innovation?

A few weeks ago I wrote a post about innovation and how I was so thrilled to be the CEO of an incredibly innovative startup of our time. A pioneer in…

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Why working for a startup in 2023 is an exciting adventure?

When considering a career move or for those who will soon be leaving campus, landing a job at a tech startup might seem like a dream. A fun &…

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How can data drive continuous improvement?

Orthopedic medical devices account for 7.5% of the global medical devices market and is expected to grow owing to a globally increasing patient pool…

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Cloud Conscious: How Data Can Optimize Orthopedic Supply Chains

The potential that data collection offers orthopedic device companies has transformed dramatically over the years. The advancement of supply chain…

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How to predict the future of the healthcare industry without relying on a crystal ball?

SMADE, a solution for cost optimizationWith the healthcare digital transformation comes the proliferation of connected devices and software…

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What if innovation comes from leveraging the full potential of med devices?

For years now, innovation efforts in spine surgery have been devoted to developing new treatments or finding new materials for implants. Little has…

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Why switching to single use medical devices is a short-sighted strategy?

In an ever evolving regulatory landscape, with patient safety as a top priority, many medical devices companies are willing to adopt single-use,…

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AAOS22: Smade Unveils S-HUB Data Analytics Platform

At the AAOS annual meeting in Chicago, SMADE officially unveiled its smart devices and user-friendly analysis hub (aka S-HUB). The proprietary…

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How does IoMt have the potential to prevent hospital-acquired infections?

In 2022, who could have imagined the headlines to read “ Hospital Warns Thousands of Patients of Possible Infection Risk from Improperly Cleaned…

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How did the pandemic trigger changes in healthcare and impact the medical devices market?

“May 2022 bring you and your beloved ones health and happiness” are not just idle talks this year. In fact, with almost 400 millions confirmed COVID…

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Artificial intelligence’s potential role in orthopedic surgery : when Human and robots are joining forces

“Hey Google tell me a joke” or “Alexa, how to cut a pineapple? are just one of many examples of how Artificial Intelligence (AI) makes our lives…

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How AR and VR are used in orthopedics?

Covid-19 has impacted our daily lives in many ways, disrupting our routines, changing the way we work, the way we interact with each other and…

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Is Edge computing shaping the future of healthcare?

Edge computing is the new paradigm in the data era. It allows data to be collected, analyzed and processed locally without the need of an external…

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How can digital technologies improve patient safety?

Patients should be better off when leaving the hospital. Despite this self-evident statement, some patients can get infected while staying in the…

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Why is data quality becoming a hot topic for the medical devices industry?

In the world of healthcare, the potential of data is undisputed. With the deployment of the IoMT, medical devices can now collect data and make self…

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How can IoT improve geolocation and asset tracking?

With the deployment of smartphones, geolocation has become indispensable to most of our daily tasks. Location-based applications help us navigate in…

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How can smart asset tracking improve environmental sustainability?

Asset tracking has become an essential part of inventory management. Asset tracking enables all actors involved from medical devices manufacturers to…

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Why ux design matters to medical device manufacturers?

For a long time, innovation in the medtech industry was a top-down process involving high level engineers and experts producing the best technology…

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How the Big Four tech companies are leading healthcare innovations

Major tech companies have been luring the healthcare market for some years now by investing in startups, creating new ventures and collaborating with…

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The future of health care – what are the not-to-be missed upcoming events?

At In Your Hands, we strongly believe that attending conferences and events is essential. We are convinced that connecting passionate people who…

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IoT in healthcare : exploring the impact on healthcare career paths

Who would have imagined doctors should also graduate from a BA in software engineering to be good practitioners? With the development of the IoT in…

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Why does augmented reality have so much potential in healthcare?

Augmented reality is no longer niche and has been used in many sectors outside of the exclusive world of gamers. From tourism to architecture, sport…

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What is IoMT, the internet of medical things?

What is IoMt?The Internet of Medical Things (IoMT), also referred to as Internet of Things (IoT) in healthcare, includes all medical devices,…

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Why are IOT platforms necessary on the road to smart healthcare?

With the healthcare digital transformation comes the proliferation of connected devices and software applications – also referred to as the…

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Hospitals in the 21st century: the need for asset tracking solutions

Asset tracking solutions are not an option anymore and have proven to be necessary to ensure efficiency in healthcare facilities. Asset tracking…

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Unique Device Identification (UDI) requirements :  turning regulatory constraints into business opportunities

According to the new EU medical devices regulation, all medical devices must carry a “unique device identifier” – a unique alphanumeric code,…

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How IoT and AI will revolutionize the healthcare industry in the years to come

Investments in healthtech are expected to be unprecedented in the years to come. Although the healthcare industry was not among the so-called…

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Cybersecurity – is healthcare the new target?

The market of IoMT has never been more flourishing, as the healthcare industry is definitely embracing the digital era. With the Covid pandemic…

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