At In Your Hands, we strongly believe that attending conferences and events is essential. We are convinced that connecting passionate people who share their knowledge and insights can foster innovation. Conferences are also a good opportunity to network, get inspired and hear about best practices across the industry.

The Covid 19 pandemic has undoubtedly impacted the way events are organised and take place. Though we have a preference for in person events, we admit that a blend of virtual and in person can work. Vivatech was a compelling example of what events are like in the age of live-streaming.
We’ve listed below the not-to-be-missed 2021 conferences, exhibitions and event that focus on innovation, smart instrumentation, technological advances in medical devices and other topics pertaining to the digital health transformation.
We highly recommend taking a look at their program!


HIMSS Global Health Conference & Exhibition 2021

When:  August 9-13
Where: Las Vegas – Virtual
More info:


IOT Tech Expo North America

When: Sept 22-23
Where: Fully Virtual
More info:


The MedTech conference

When: Sept 27-30
Where: DC – Minneapolis- Virtual
More info:


American medical device summit 2021

When: Oct 26-28
Where:  virtual
More info:


MedFit - fostering innovation in MedTech

When: Dec 7-9
Where: virtual
More info:
