The first autoclave-resistant tracking device, designed for precise location and utilization monitoring
Meet the HOT tracker
An autonomous asset tracker engineered to detect and record washing and sterilization cycles. Its watertight design and long-lasting battery life ensures unmatched reliability, making it ideal for tracking surgical trays throughout their loan cycles.

High-temp cycle logging
Detects and logs washing and autoclaving cycles, operating at temperatures up to 138°C (280.4°F) and pressures up to 3 bars.

Long-lasting battery life
Daily autonomous location transmissions.

Uninterrupted transmissions
Logs-in data in environments with low connectivity coverage. This guarantees continuous data capture and analysis, even in difficult connectivity situations.

Autonomous precise location
With Cellular (LPWAN) and Wi-Fi connectivity, location accuracy is precise up to 10 meters. Seamless performance even in the metallic surroundings of surgical trays.

Indoor and outdoor tracking
End-to-end visibility of complete asset trajectories.

Easy installation
Securely embedded anywhere inside your surgical trays.

SMADE HOT tracker is the leading solution
for mobile assets that go through the autoclave

Pioneer Technology
Through years of extensive research and testing, our HOT trackers are built to withstand up to 500 sterilization cycles, outperforming other solutions that fail under similar conditions.

Trusted by leading OEMs
Industry leaders have already chosen SMADE, setting themselves apart from those still seeking the right solution. While others are still experimenting, our autoclave-resistant trackers are proving their value daily with thousands already deployed in the field.

All-in-one solution
Combining smart trackers with a user-friendly analytics platform, the SMADE HOT tracking solution is the only comprehensive solution on the market, designed to meet the industry’s unique needs.
Learn why SMADE outshines the competition
What Makes SMADE’s Hot Tracking Solution
the Most Advanced on the Market?
See the DifferenceOur Hardware vs. Substitute Technologies
HOT tracking solution benefits
Minimize losses, boost productivity
and improve turn rate
Track your assets location
in real-time
Tracking medical assets such as surgical kits provides critical visibility and control to improve turnrate and ensure that assets are never lost.
Monitor washing and autoclaving counts
Monitor when your surgical kits are ready to be picked-up. Receive alerts when assets are not being used.
Take action with your team upon critical alerts
Hold impactful conversations between reps and ops teams. Share an asset’s status when action is needed.
Don't waste time on asset tracking solutions that can't handle the pressure, choose SMADE to make a difference today!
Discover how our clients are leveraging the HOT tracking solution 👇
How SMADE works
SMADE collects, analyzes and delivers
the instrumental data you need
to improve your performance.
Step 1

SMADE trackers
Collect field data by embedding trackers in your autoclavable and non autoclavable assets.
Step 2

Watch real-time data and asset location.
Navigate your fleet.
Collaborate with your team.
Step 3

Take data-driven immediate actions and informed decisions to enchance your fleet performance.