Dear S-HUB Users,

Are you making the most of our custom tracking experience feature?
We’re here to share some valuable tips on how you can leverage this existing feature to enhance your fleet management experience.

Here’s how it works: Custom Filters ⚙️

By activating all or one of the filters, you can efficiently sort and highlight assets according to your specific criteria, saving time and enhancing your overall tracking experience. Whether you’re managing a large fleet or overseeing specialized equipment, the custom tracking experience empowers you to navigate your assets with precision and efficiency.

In addition, remember that you can edit these fields directly within your asset’s single view, allowing for seamless customization and management of your fleet.

Key criteria for customization:

  1. Asset Serial Number: Quickly locate assets by their unique serial numbers.
  2. Asset UDI: Utilize Universal Device Identification to efficiently manage your assets.
  3. Reference: Easily spot assets based on your specified reference.
  4. Product Range: Group assets according to their product range for better organization.
  5. Procedure Type: Filter assets based on their designated procedure type.
  6. Autoclavable / Non-autoclavable Status: Identify autoclavable or non-autoclavable items with a simple filter.
  7. Logistical Status: Keep track of loaned or consigned assets.
  8. Pairing Status: Sort your asset list by paired or unpaired assets.
  9. Paired Assets: Easily view assets that are paired with a SMADE tracker.
  10. SMADE Tracker UID: Utilize the unique SMADE Tracker identifier for precise tracking.

Ready to take control of your fleet management? Log in to your S-HUB account now to start customizing your tracking experience!