Dear S-HUB Users!

We are pleased to share a valuable tip to help you make the most out of S-HUB Fleet section, specifically using the asset info pop-up feature on the map.

What’s the Map Pop Up 🧐?

When you navigate your fleet through the map in S-HUB, you can easily visualize all your assets in the field, and the asset name is displayed when you mouse over.
By selecting and clicking on any asset, a pop-up will display essential information, allowing you to quickly understand the asset’s status and details.

At a glance, you can see:

  • Serial Number: Quickly identify your asset.
  • Asset UDI: Check the Unique Device Identifier for precise tracking.
  • Product Range: Know which product range your asset belongs to.
  • Logistical Status: Determine whether the asset is on loan or consigned.
  • Autoclavability: Verify if the asset is autoclavable or not.
  • Last Reception Date: See when the asset last transmitted data.
  • Paired Tracker: Identify the identification number of the tracker paired with the asset.

If this is the asset you want to explore further, simply click the ‘View details’ button to access its detailed view.

And what if you want to share asset details 😉?
To share the latest activity and detailed information about an asset, just click on the ‘Share Asset’ button.
One last tip 🤩
One of our recent SMADE Tips highlighted the effective use of the filter feature to streamline your fleet navigation experience. By refining your asset search, you can view results both in list form and on the map, enhancing your overall management efficiency.

We hope those tips enhance your experience with S-HUB, making your asset management more intuitive and efficient.

Stay tuned for more updates and tips!